Specialists in Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry

Instructions for After Treatment

We want to ensure your child’s comfort even after you leave the office. Here are a list of post-operative instructions for your information. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call our office at (941) 792-9392


It is unusual for a child to have any adverse reactions or symptoms after a cleaning.  If mild stomach irritation occurs, this may be due to the fluoride/varnish treatment that follows the cleaning. Small amounts of fluoride may be ingested and can irritate the stomach. A small meal, snack or glass or water may help relieve any discomfort. 

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Depending on the area treated, your child’s lip, gums and cheek may be numb for up to several hours after the procedure. Each individual responds differently so the time spent numb will vary.  Because children don’t fully understand the effects of anesthesia, it is important that your child does not chew, poke, or rub the numbed area during this time. They may injure themselves if not monitored closely.

Minor swelling is also a typical reaction after a filling, crown or other restoration. Make sure to keep the gum area clean and free of food particles. Any swelling that does not go down after 24 to 48 hours, or swelling that keeps getting worse, should be reported to our office.

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Please limit activity during the day of extraction. No running, jumping or similar activity for 12 hours. Do not let the child bite, suck, rub or poke their lips, cheek or gums while they are numb.

Bleeding or Pain

Bleeding is controlled by a gauze pad placed over the extraction site.  Keep this gauze pad in place by having the child bite on it for 30 minutes.  If necessary, the gauze may be changed during the 30 minute period if it becomes saturated. Make sure your child swallows their saliva while they are keeping pressure on the gauze pad.  If the bleeding continues after an hour, have the child bite down on a moist tea bag for 15 minutes. Any prolonged bleeding should be reported to the office.

Do not rinse the mouth for several hours, keep fingers and tongue away from the extraction site and do not use a drinking straw until the following day.

Some discomfort may occur after the anesthetic wears off. Over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, Motrin or Advil may be used according to your child's age and weight. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN.

If you have any cause for concern, please call the office.


If swelling occurs, place insulated ice packs on the affected areas in 10-minute intervals for the 24 hours following the procedure. After the initial 24-hour period, apply warm compresses. If swelling continues or gets progressively worse, please call us to schedule an appointment.

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Space Maintainers

Following the placement of a space maintainer, a minimal amount of discomfort may be expected; if necessary, an over the counter pain reliever such as Tylenol, Motrin, or Advil can be used according to your child's age and weight.  Be sure your child brushes adequately around the area. Be sure to avoid any sticky foods as this may dislodge the space maintainer.

If the space maintainer comes loose or is completely removed, PLEASE SAVE IT and contact the office to schedule an appointment to recement.

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Sealants decrease the risk of decay by keeping out plaque and food. They form a thin coating over pits and fissures on the biting surface of the tooth. Areas in between teeth cannot be coated, so good oral hygiene and nutrition are very important in protecting these unsealed portions of the teeth from decay.

Ice and hard candy should not be eaten because they can fracture the sealant. Dr. Lewis recommends regular dental check ups to ensure that your child’s sealants remain in place.

Sealants have been recognized by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry as an effective tool in the prevention of tooth decay. They can successfully protect the chewing surfaces of your child's teeth if placed and maintained properly. By visiting our office regularly for check ups, using fluoride, brushing and flossing daily, and limiting the amount of sugar-rich foods consumed, you are helping maintain your child’s dental health. Coupled with sealants, this program lessens and potentially eliminates the risk of decay.

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Sedation Options


Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas”)

We employ Nitrous Oxide to help relax your child and relieve anxiety. This is a safe way to help an anxious child relax or a calm child have a more pleasant experience. This treatment is only meant to relax your child, not put them to sleep.

  • Very apprehensive, combative, or extremely young children do not benefit from nitrous oxide.
  • It is most useful on young children during morning appointments.
  • If the appointment is close to a mealtime, keep the meal healthy and light. This will help minimize an upset stomach.
  • We cannot use nitrous oxide on your child if he/she has an ear infection or ear ache. Please inform us if this is the case.
  • If your child has an issue breathing through his/her nose for any reason, please let us know. This may limit the effectiveness of the sedation.
  • Please inform us of any medication your child is taking on the day of the appointment.

Surgery Center

At times it's necessary; due to a child's age or limited ability to cooperate, to perform treatment with the use of general anesthesia. Dr. Lewis performs treatment alongside an anesthesiologist at Manatee Surgical Center.

Having this resource has made it possible to help children that cannot be treated in a traditional setting/receive the dental care they need that might otherwise go untreated. Dr. Lewis takes the well being of each of his patients very seriously and uses the surgery center only after all other options have been exhausted.



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André L. Lewis, DDS

Pediatric Dentist

1882 59th St.

W. Bradenton, Fl 34209

Phone: 941-792-9392

Fax: 941-795-4057

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